Jeffrey Skilling V United States Case Study

1964 Words8 Pages
Chapter 5 cases Skilling v. United States * TX federal court convicted Jeffrey Skilling of conspiracy, securities fraud, making false representations to auditors and insider trading * Skilling was former CEO of Enron. Corp. * On appeal he argued that the government prosecuted him under an invalid legal theory and that the jury was biased * US court of appeals affirmed the conviction but vacated Skilling’s sentence and remanded the case for resentencing * Court held that the government’s theory under the “Honest Services” fraud statute was valid Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States * Andersen instructed Enron employees to destroy Enron-related documents * Consistent with Andersen’s document retention policy *…show more content…
Surman * Lindh presented Surman with an engagement ring then subsequently terminated the engagement * Surman returned the ring * Later the couple reconciled and Lindh again proposed marriage, gave the ring to Surman and terminated the engagement once more * Surman refused to return the ring and Lindh sued for recovery * Isue: What is the condition of the gift, acceptance of the engagement of the marriage itself * Holding: The ring is always given subject to the implied condition that if the marriage does not take place the gift should be returned * Issue: Whether fault is relevant to determining return of the ring * Holding: The donor is entitled to return of the ring even if the donor broke the engagement * Court adopted a no-fault principle * “We decline to adopt this modified no-fault position, and hold that the donor is entitled to return of the ring even if the donor broke the engagement. We believe that the benefits from the certainty of our rule outweigh its negatives, and that a strict no-fault approach is less flawed than a fault-based theory or modified no-fault position.” Gyamfoah v. EG&G Dynatrend (Now EG & G Technical

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