Juvenile Justice History

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November 8, 2011 Juvenile Justice History and Court Procedure When a person is to ask anyone directly involved with law enforcement i.e. police officers, government officials, one could consider who would be a juvenile offender. The person must ask who a juvenile is in today’s society within the state of California and throughout the country. A juvenile is typically a youthful person, immature in personality with an obvious temper resembling to that of a child. American law enforcement and legislature have been able to, over the years since the beginning of American law; distinguish between an adult offender and juvenile offender. A Separated history exist between adult and juvenile offenders, but history of the two types of laws carry…show more content…
The new generation of reformers went beyond rejecting the paternalistic characterization of young offenders; some advocates for tough policies seemed to view juveniles involved in crime as more culpable and dangerous than adult criminals. The rehabilitative model of juvenile justice seemingly thrived during the first half of the twentieth century, but it began to unravel during the 1960s. Youth advocates challenged the constitutionality of informal delinquency proceedings, and in 1967, the Supreme Court agreed holding in In re Gault, that youths in juvenile court have a right to an attorney and other protections that criminal defendant’s…show more content…
Although politicians claim that the public demands tough policies, moral panics tend to dissipate when the crisis passes. Many around the country would argue because of more serious crimes committed by adults has fashioned an umbrella on the juvenile system which imposes robust crimes for the juvenile themselves. Now when a juvenile has committed a crime, the next step is the procedures of handling the juvenile physically and mental status. Following the arrest of a juvenile offender, a law enforcement officer has the discretion to release the juvenile to his or her parents, or take the offender to juvenile

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