Kyoto Protocol In Canada

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A perfect example of Canadian foreign policy can be the discussion on the ratification of Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto agreement has the potential to affect every sector of society because most anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, come from energy production and use. It will be necessary to have full cooperation of all countries, both developed and developing, to fulfill the goals set out at the Kyoto Convention. Global warming will be a great concern for future generations, but it is time to take action now to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and to slow the human-induced global warming process. The longer the worlds nations wait to respond, the more costly the response will be (Herzog, 1999). It would appear that Canada is an ideal place live, yet in order to succeed and live in this fast past environment, a few unknowingly sacrifices have been made. Canada is one of the main contributors of emission and other deadly gases, which leads to global climate change and therefore should take a more aggressive approach in finding solutions. By not concentrating on finding ways to reduce emission gases, the ozone layer continues to deplete, and therefore causes the climate to change worldwide. Nevertheless it is also…show more content…
The economic benefits of the Kyoto agreement are rarely tabulated when opponents consider the costs - benefits such as technological advancement and innovation for the future, savings due to conservation and reduction on oil dependency (and protection from possible significant increases in oil costs in the near future), as well as reduction in the economic effects of wildly fluctuating petroleum pricing. With the way the U.S. has been behaving lately vis-a-vis international cooperation, we have to be very cautious about what we are willing to sign. No other country in the world is as affected by U.S. economic actions as Canada
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