La Llorona Analysis

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La Llorona This is an old tale; swear to be true of the crying ghost, it is a sad story. It is real, because I was the husband of Maria who is now known as the La Llorona. I was a young man tall, handsome, the son of a wealthy rancher from the southern plains. Many say I could ride like a Comanche! In fact, if I owned a horse, and it grew tame, I would give it away and go rope a wild horse from the plains. My father always told me it wasn't manly to ride a horse if it wasn't half wild. Once my horse grew tame, I told my father I was off to go catch another wild horse and give my horse away to one of the men in the village nearby, I will return after. On my journey, I rode into a humble little village, in search for wild horses seeking nothing else. The village girls can’t keep their eyes off me, until suddenly; on a pathway in the village my eyes caught the most beautiful girl in the world, with long black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. I never knew there was a fine looking girl that lived in this small village. I approached her in seeking her name, but she turned away from me, ignoring me. My emotions craved for her attention, I needed to know her name. Until I…show more content…
I hoped in my heart that was were alive and well. I returned to Marias village for her burial and in search of my two children. The first night Maria was in the grave, the villagers heard the sound of crying down by the river, I heard it as well. Since I stayed the night in what used to be a home of once and happy family, the only house closest to the river. It was not the wind making the noise, it was La Llorona crying, "Where are my children?" I looked out the window, in which the sound of the crying ghost was and saw a woman walking up and down the bank of the river, dressed in a long white robe, the way they had dressed Maria for burial. Then I knew my children were gone

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