Lab #8

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Lab Assignment #8 Name: Jose Manuel Hernandez Jr. Report Submitted: 04/10/15 Title: Stoichiometry of a Precipitation Reaction Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to learn about precipitation reactions and their characteristics. Also, you will learn about the molarity and molar mass of a substance and how they can be used to calculate one another. Another thing is that you will learn how to calculate what the theoretical maximum amount of product is and see the difference in your theoretical and actual amount is and what percent yield it gives you. Procedure: 1. Measure 25 mL of water into a graduated cylinder. Add 25 mL to two 100 mL beakers. 2. Place a plastic weight boat on the digital scale and tare the scale to read 0.0g. 3. Measure 1.0 g of CaCl2*2H2O 4. Add CaCl2*2H2O to one of the beakers of water and swirl until fully dissolved 5. Rinse weigh boat and dry. 6. Calculate how many moles of CaCl2*2H2O in 1.0g of CaCl2*2H2O. Then calculate how many moles of CaCl2 are in 1.0 g of CaCl2*2H2O. 7. Determine how many moles of Na2CO3 is needed to react fully with CaCl2*2H2O. Then use that calculation to determine how many grams of Na2CO3 is needed. 8. Use the scale to measure the determined amount of Na2CO3. Add this amount to the second beaker of water. 9. Pour the beaker containing the Na2CO3 mixture into the beaker containing the CaCl2*2H2O mixture. 10. Determine the theoretical maximum amount of CaCO3 that can be produced. 11. Rinse out the empty beaker and place a funnel on it. 12. Fold a round filter paper into a cone shape and record its mass. 13. Place the filter paper into the funnel and then pour the contents of the other beaker into the funnel. 14. Pour water into beaker and swirl to make sure to get all the precipitate. 15. Allow all of the liquid to drain from the filter and then allow the filter to dry completely. 16. Once

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