Lack of Communication in a Relationship

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David Raygoza ENGL 100 College Writing 7/11/2014 Lack of Communication in a Relationship More than 50% of the failed relationships are due to fact that there was no proper, good communication between the couple. In California, the divorce rates are 4-6 per 1,000 (Dickerson et al.). Every healthy, lasting relationship must have effective communication skills to overcome all the issues that occur in life. A Lack of communication in relationship can have a negative impact in your personal, professional and social life. In order to avoid or overcome the lack of communication, couples must understand what is causing this. There are a number of common reasons why couples have difficulty in communicating with each other. One of the most common reasons is differences in general, such as differences in personality, goals, ideas, plans, and authenticity. Some relationships struggle with this because at the beginning of their relationship they were not honest or didn’t express how they feel about certain things. Being fully honest with each other will help the couple understand each other. This will be beneficial to both persons so later on they won’t have issues that could hurt their relationship. For example if both persons have different goals or ideas they should talk about this. Instead of arguing with each other because they have different goals they should support and motivate each other to meet those goals. Another example could be differences in personality. Maybe one of them is outgoing and the other one is calm and quiet. For some couples this might be an issue that they can’t change but they could work around. They could take turns doing different things that both like doing instead of focusing on what one person likes. Another reason of lack of communication in a relationship is dishonesty. Honesty is important for a healthy
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