Landscape Analysis Project Paper

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The purpose of this Landscape Analysis Project is to explore and analyze a landscape. Three dimensions of the landscape will be investigated, namely the physical landscape, the political/economic landscape and the cultural landscape. This study is organized using these three dimensions; however understanding the linkages and connections between dimensions is critical to understanding the landscape. 1) Find at least two definitions of landscape and cite the source: My first definition is a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single viewpoint (Websters Dictionary, 2011). The second definition states a landscape is an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view (Miller, 1995) 2) In…show more content…
For each, discuss its location, the degree of accessibility, potential data sources (primary and secondary): Potential site 1 is 3rd street, in Geneva, IL. This location is at the center of town where all of the shops, boutiques, and restaurants are located. This site is 100% accessible for me because I only live about a mile from it. My primary source for information about the landscape would be just physically going to it. My secondary source would be the internet, pamphlets about my town, or even citizens of the town. Potential site 2 is the Fox River, Geneva, IL. This location runs through my town, including the downtown area and the parks. This site is also 100% accessible and close to where I live. My primary source for the information about this landscape would also be analyzing it by walking along it and kayaking down it. There is also an information booth located on the side of it where I could get information. My secondary source would also be the internet, as well as other Geneva residents who are familiar with the Fox…show more content…
I believe... Development of Lake Mead is a result of political pressure from California and need for power in greater Los Angeles. An example of a hypothesis with regard to social characteristics. I believe... New Urbanist communities are a direct response to urban sprawl and its lack of a sense of community. 15) Form a hypothesis about the physical characteristics of your selected site: I believe that the physical characteristics of this site are the main reasons why people decide to live in this town. 16) Form a hypothesis about the economic/political setting of your selected site: I believe that the development of this street was for moneymaking purposes and the aesthetic appeal that the citizens of this town were looking for. 17) Form a hypothesis about the social setting of your selected site: I believe that this street has created a place for families and friends to get to know each other and a result of why this town is so close and knows about everyone. REFERENCES FOR INTRODUCTORY MODULE: Geneva, Il Chamber of Commerce Brochure. 2007. Geneva, IL. My mom, Mrs Hannah Smith, who has lived here for 47
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