Lat1 Task 1

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1. Topic: Online Education 2. Research Question: Is online education more advantageous (favorable) than traditional classroom education? 3. Thesis Statement: Research suggests that online education (is more) (has become more) advantageous than traditional classroom education by offering lower tuition costs, more diverse and obtainable degrees and masteries, and by enabling the realistic pursuit of higher intellectual learning for paraprofessionals and unconventional students. Task 1 Annotated Bibliography Smith, David E., Mitry, Darryl J. (2008). Investigation of Higher Education: The Real Costs and Quality of Online Programs. Journal of Education for Business; Jan/Feb2008, Vol. 83 Issue 3, p147-152, 6p, 1 Chart. Retrieved from This article by Smith and Mitry (2008) addresses via analytical inquiry the cost and quality of online teaching in college education. These authors are doctors in their respective fields at National University, and this article was published in a peer-reviewed journal. Using a variety of different scientific tools Smith and Mitry (2008) clearly explain the problems, illuminate the solutions, and discuss, imply, and recommend ways to help online education realize its true potential. While there is a lot of information about many different facets of online education, this article shines with the recommendations that the authors pose. It also gives a balanced look at the realities of the business of online education and where this can lead to less than stellar e-learning. The conclusion being that we cannot realize the true potential of e-learning until all universities adheres to the higher academic standard of full-time faculty expertise, which may be a goal to grand to be realized. (Smith and Mitry, 2008)
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