Legal And Ethical Issues In Health Care Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter 1 Review Deanna Scowden 1. The legal and ethical issues facing everyone in the health care field as the world changes. The impact of rising costs on laws & ethics of health care delivery. The rights, responsibilities, and concerns of healthcare consumers. 2. Summary judgment is a decision made by a court in a lawsuit in response to a motion that pleads there is no basis for a trial. 3. Bioethics is discipline dealing with the ethical implications of biological research methods and results, especially in medicine. 4. A law is a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. 5. Ethics is defined as standards of behavior, developed as a result of one’s concept…show more content…
I would talk with my neighbor about the different products however with pricing and another patients’ information I would not discuss that kind of information. It is a different case from patient to patient depending on insurance. I would advise her to call the office and make an appointment. 27. I would seat the physician in a private room, just out of respect. I think it shows professionalism in the office. I would also notify the physician she was there to see. 28. The LPN who gave the women another patient’s information, symptoms and diagnosis, to her does not show responsibility and is not ethical. This LPN needs to be responsible and acknowledge patient privacy. The other LPN in this scenario did what I would do. This LPN acted ethical and responsible. 29. In my opinion, the only thing the physician should say is “Your mother has the capability of making her own decision”. Plan and simple. And I’m not sure if that would even be considered a duty but to be compassion and courtesy. 30. I am sure that if the daughter of the patient was really upset, I would in my opinion try to calm her down as much as possible. Talking with her, giving her some reassurance about the treatment plan and rights her mother has to make her own
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