Lennie Snopes In Barn Burning

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Lennie Snopes - Sartoris’s mother. Sad, emotional, and caring, Lennie futilely attempts to stem her husband’s destructive impulses. She is beaten down by the family’s endless cycle of flight and resettlement and the pall of criminality that has stained her clan. Nervous in the presence of her irascible, unpredictable husband, she is a slim source of comfort for Sartoris in the violence-tinged world of the Snopes family. Lennie Snopes Opposite Abner Snopes, with his penchant for revenge and destruction, is Lennie Snopes, a voice of reason and morality in the family. Because her morals are so different from her husband’s, Lennie sharpens the conflict that Sartoris faces as he attempts to form his own ideas of right and wrong. The fact that Lennie has not simply succumbed to her domineering, violent…show more content…
This helps us feel the fragile nature of Sarty's perilous existence. If he doesn't do something big, and fast, he could easily become a casualty in his father's class war. The momentous tone also puts us in the moment. As we learn in paragraph 29, Sarty is still in that moment twenty years later. As such, the tone of "Barn Burning" is also memorial. Although "Barn Burning" isn't presented as a memory, the brief glimpse into the future, shows that a constant memorial to his father and his lost family is playing out in Sarty's mind. Likewise, that moment on the hill, with his back to his old life, and his face to the woods is a good case in point. The narrator constantly describes Sarty's emotions and his sensory experiences. The story's highly emotional and sensory tone is established in the very first paragraph when the hunger induced by the smell of cheese and the sight of the cans of meat in the store/courtroom, combine with the "fear," "despair" and "grief"

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