Love: When Is It Healthy, When Is It Toxic?

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LOVE: WHEN IS IT HEALTHY AND WHEN IS IT TOXIC? When is love healthy and when is it toxic? Love is healthy when it makes you feel happy and the relationship is joyful whereas love is toxic when you stop seeing other people around you and only thinking about the wellbeing of your partner in the relationship. William Shakespeare’s film ‘Romeo And Juliet’ and Steven Herrick’s book ‘Love, Ghosts And Nose Hair’ both have evidence of healthy and toxic love. For example the healthy romantic love between Jack and Annabel and the toxic love of Romeo and Juliet that led them both to taking their lives. Love is healthy in ‘Love, Ghosts and Nose Hair’ when Jack starts a relationship with Annabel. This love is healthy as they are open about their feelings and problems aswell as the fact that there are no lies and secrets just pure honesty which is what a healthy relationship is all about. They are both on equal playing fields and they are both benefiting from their relationship equally. For example in the poem Annabel and the ghost she says ‘Im not scared, or embarrassed, I’m excited, he is telling me about the ghost, I can see who she is and it makes perfect sense.’ This quote shows the fact that she does understand and can help Jack with his problems. Love is also healthy in ‘Love, Ghosts and Nose Hair’ with the family love between Jack, Dad and Desiree. They push each other through the pain of his mother’s death and keep each other grounded in a lovingly way. For example in the poem Desiree on sex Jack says ‘trust Desiree to answer, everything about sex in about 50 words and bring up Annabel Browning.’ This quote shows that the family can go to each other for help no matter what the situation is. Romeo and Juliet demonstrate healthy love when they still have very deep feelings about each other even though their parents say they should never speak to each other. This

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