Lycurgus Questions Essay

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Lycurgus Questions 1. Lycurgus comes to power shortly after his brother, Polydectes, was killed shortly after Polydectes had taken rule of Sparta from their father, Eurypon, was killed by a butchers knife while trying to separate a riot. The temperament of Lycurgus is adventitious and an overall, trustworthy man focused on his honor, as seen when he gives up his throne to the child of his deceased brother’s wife. In Lycurgus, Plutarch suggests that Lycurgus is moral and ethical because he saves a child twice. (Plutarch, 10-12). 2. Sparta has two kings; one of military, and one of Domestic rule. The domestic king served more as a figurehead then an actual ruler. Also, the domestic king served as backup in case something happened to the king of the military. Although they ruled the same polis, it was not uncommon for the kings to fight amongst themselves. 3. 28 elder senators and five guarders of the constitution served the senate of Sparta. Often called the “source of security”, the main purpose of Sparta’s senate was to prevent tyranny, this creation of Lycurgus was also held the power equal to two royal houses of Sparta (13-14) 4. The role that common people played in Sparta’s society was that they had the choice to vote on what the senate proposed. This allowed the citizens to feel in power, but still gave the senate the most control. Another thing people could decide on was whether or not to veto a decision already made. 5. The economic reforms of Lycurgus included land redistribution, coinage, and autocracy. He redistributed the land equally to make all citizens equal, made the only coinage iron, which was worthless not only to vendors, but in other polis’ as well. The main purpose of these reforms was to unify and strengthen the people of Sparta, by taking away material possessions to make them focus on the good of their polis. (16-17) 6. After infants

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