MGT-350 Critical Thinking Application

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Critical thinking application paper MGT-350 2-23-2011 l Critical thinking application paper Critical thinking affects all aspects of our lives; professional, personal, as a student, and as a parent. Few people realize the powerful role thinking plays in their lives. People can be their worst enemies without realizing how their thinking causes them torment. Critical thinking helps individuals take charge of their results. Critical thinking is vital to effective learning and successful living. Critical thinking is an educationally systematic procedure eagerly and proficiently speculating, using, evaluating, combining, or calculating widespread educated thoughts that outshine study combinations. Skillful precision, correctness, significance, justification, range and being impartial are from information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In it classic form, it…show more content…
Critical thinking replicates the functions of scientific thought: a question arises, theory conveyed, important data found, hypothesis tested and evaluated, and trustworthy decisions are drawn. An individual who has the ability to think for them and responsibly makes decisions is a critical thinker. Along with critical thinking comes critical investigation. Critical investigations include: investigating problems, asking questions, offering new methods that challenge the methods and procedures in place, question authority and traditional beliefs. Unfortunately, there are professional workplaces that discourage this type of thinking. A student may interview for a job that promotes critical thinkers, only to find out once they are hired, this is not the truth. Supervisors and managers see critical thinkers as a threat to their position and power. Critical thinkers need to learn thoughtfulness and sensitivity when offering their
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