Material Wealth In Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay “Obsession with material wealth” Are you obsessed with material wealth? Well in the novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” author, Mark Twain explains some of the characters actions with material wealth throughout the book. In the beginning, an example of obsession with material wealth would be when Tom and Huck recovered money in Tom Sawyers gang, then gave the money to judge Thatcher to manage for them. Then one day when Huck discovered tracks in the snow and finally realized who the tracks belonged to he sold his fortune to judge Thatcher for one dollar. Throughout the book Duke and Dauphin made plans to steal from a lot of towns people; for example, Duke and Dauphin created a play all in plan to steal money. They presented the play three times. Each time they were successful with the play but the third time the town’s people…show more content…
They said it because they were trying to get away from where they were because they had just scammed a group of people and they had to leave before they were caught. They also lied to Huck and Jim and told them that they were kings, and they had to listen to them because they were royalty. In the end the duke and dauphin ended up selling Jim for the money without Huck knowing anything about it and when Huck found out that the duke and dauphin sold Jim he was devastated and wanted to go and save Jim right away. Another example of obsession with material wealth would be when duke and dauphin pretended to be Mary Jane’s uncles and her late father’s brothers, just so they could steal the money that they heard Mary Jane’s had from her father. They pretended to have a French accent, and duke pretended to be a preacher. They were determined to get their hands on the money but so they wouldn’t get caught they tried not to make it so obvious that they were

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