Mba 540 Chapter 2 Case Study

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The issue of hospital patient information accuracy hits home with me in the fact that I do work for a non-profit hospital (probably very similar to Interwest Healthcare). Both Cynthia Manzoni and Vijay Singh are senior level officers of the corporation; both have different jobs but both have the same goal, which is making decisions in the best interest of Interwest Heatlhcare. Potential sources of the problems being experienced are as follows: senior leadership and management is not engaged, employees are not motivated or happy, and employees are not being properly trained. Our text highlights different models of behavior used by managers to make economic decisions. Those models are the Only-Money-Matters, Happy-Is-Productive, Good-Citizen, and Product-of-the-Environment models. (Brickley & Smith, pg. 35-36, 2009) Regarding research on employee performance issues, Dr. Keith Mathis lists the following seven reasons for bad employee performance: 1. Employees will perform at a low level if they are not thoroughly trained in all aspects of their job. 2. Employees will perform at a low level if they do not feel supported by management. 3. Employees will perform at a lower level if they are not involved in the communication loop. 4. Employees will perform at a lower level if their skill set does not match the job. 5. Employees will perform at a lower level if they are not given the correct tools and equipment. 6. Employees will perform at a lower level if they are not motivated to do the job. 7. Employees will perform at a lower level if they are not able to control their attitudes. (Mathis, 2004) Other potential sources of the problem are that six months post retreat and agreement among Singh and Manzoni that there is a problem. Things have gotten worse, and the fact that hospital administrators view Singh as a bureaucrat does show
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