Mean World Syndrome

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“MEAN WORLD SYNDROME” Did you know that by the age of 18 the average person sees 200,000 acts of violence? There is no way to escape violence, it is everywhere from movies to television and video games. There are many people that believe children seeing and hearing all these violent acts can make them violent people. George Gerbner beliefs were quite the opposite; he believed that seeing and hearing all these violent acts made us afraid of the world. He coined this “The Mean World Syndrome”. The more television a person would watch the more paranoid and scared they were of the world and the people in it. He believed there was no before that everyone was born into a violent media and because of this we are virtually immune to just how much violence we are subjected to, Gerbner called this the “Magic Bullet Theory”. According to Gerbner without positives to balance out all the negatives that the media portrays it is making people more scared and ignorant. The news is the primary source of information for 2/3 of Americans, but how many Americans realize that most of the time the headlines are that of a violent act? Some type of rape or act of terrorism or murder or animals attacking something is the normal headlines on local and national news stations. Even with crime rates being at a 30 year all time low people are still buying hand guns and when asked the average person will say they think crime is worse than it was the year before. “Mean World Syndrome” can also have effects on ethnic groups; rarely do humans socialize with other humans outside of their ethnic groups. Television often portrays certain ethnic groups to stereo typical genres, for example Latinos are normally seen as the most violent group and the Arabs and Muslims are normally seen as the terrorist types. I agree with Gerbner’s way of looking at the violence in the media. I believe social

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