Measure for Measure Angelo

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‘I’ll prove a tyrant to him. As for you, Say what you can; my false o’erweighs your true’ – How does Shakespeare present Angelo as cruel and hypocritical character in the play Measure for Measure? There are various aspects of Measure for Measure which leads to a difficulty in categorizing the play into a specific genre. Comedy is present throughout the play; however we are not confident entirely that it concludes with the harmony that is required of a comedy, making Measure for Measure a problem play. A main feature of a Shakespearean comedy play is the inclusion of a light, humorous tone. This is not completely true of the play Measure for Measure. For the majority of the play, the tone is cynical and deliberately disturbing which persuades the reader that the play is in fact more of a problem play than it is a comedy. Similarly, complicated and contentious issues are debated in Measure for Measure. A trademark occurrence of a comedy play is that usually justice is done in the end; however in Measure for Measure it can be argued that this is not the case. Angelo, a manipulative and abusive character is seemingly pardoned instantly for his inexcusable crimes. Justice cannot be achieved in Measure for Measure when a character who has caused much unnecessary pain and terror, is given mercy by all of the characters on the stage. This unconventional conclusion suggests that as various characters are reprieved from their flaws and crimes and not punished, Measure for Measure is more of a problem play than it is a comedy. Upon comparing the leadership of the Duke and Angelo, we can see that Angelo’s cruel and severe methods are unpopular against the Duke’s lenient approach. From this, Angelo could be considered villainous, and a cruel character in the play Measure for Measure. The cruel nature of Angelo is demonstrated through his treatment of Claudio. Characters in
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