Medea Tragic Hero Research Paper

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Unique Tragic Hero A hero does not need to be good, he just need to be the winner. In ancient time, Greek tragedy was not only a form of entertainment but also a tool to make people embrace The Gods. It endues emotions such as pity and fear in the audience that the protagonist’s affliction may happen to them. Thus, a tragic hero is extremely crucial to promote such emotion. Medea, an ancient Greek tragedy written by Euripides has Medea, a female character as the tragic hero. Many people consider her a wicked villain but they overlook her positive individualities. Medea has three vital characteristics described in Aristotle’s Peotics that makes up a tragic hero. Thus, Medea is a tragic hero with heroic code, superhuman skills and most important of all a tragic misfortune. Every hero requires having certain code of conduct which distinguishes him among ordinary people. Medea portrays herself as a vigorous woman and does not let other perceive her as weakling, “Let no one think that I’m a simpleton, or weak, or idle – I am the opposite” (Euripides 36). For Medea, it is extremely important that no enemy dare to laugh at her. “Do not allow these Sisyphean snakes to laugh at you” (Euripides 19). Being a princess of Colchis and the sun God Helios’s granddaughter, Medea…show more content…
She possesses such heroic characteristics and a tragic flaw that defines her as a heroine. Some may argue that she is an antagonist because she murders her own children. However, it is simply a manly valor that she possesses which brings out the courage of a hero in her. This is also one example of the ground-breaking approaches Euripides takes in his writing. He alters Aristotle’s model for tragic hero and add his own component to Medea. Underneath all the tragic flaws and immoral actions, Medea truly is a tragic hero. Sometimes, the readers need to overlook people’s negativities to see the real person in
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