Media Influence on Child Obesity

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The Media’s Influence on Childhood Obesity Many would argue that Obesity is not anyone’s fault but their own. There’s a common saying that says, “We are what we eat”. Although accurate, we choose what we want to eat whether it be healthy or not, this is also a common misconception. Can healthy food choices be made and healthy eating habits be developed when the media advertises unhealthy foods on a regular basis. Television shows that run for an hour usually have an average of fifteen minutes of commercials, a child who is watching television at any given moment is seeing commercials that advertise things like Fast Food restaurants, Sugary cereals and unhealthy snacks. “Food and beverage advertising is frequently aired during children’s television programming and much of the foods being advertised are of poor quality” (Southerland, Lisa A, Todd McKenzie, Lisa A Purvis, and Madeline Dalton.). However the question is whether children actually understand what is being advertised. If the children that are watching these advertisements do not understand that intent behind the advertising of unhealthy foods, then companies are influencing them into wanting their product, and needless to say, these companies don’t have the children’s best interest at heart, after all it is a business. It is not the responsibility of private businesses to have the “children’s best interest at heart”, in part that is the job of the parents—to not allow their kids to be manipulated, —the advertising campaigns private companies create, have tremendous influence on what children want to eat. Advertising too easily influences children and the marketing of today’s food industry and this type of disguised advertising, including high exposure to sugary soft drinks, sugary cereals etc… On prime time TV, is a major contributing factor to childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has become a societal

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