Mgt 307 Week 1 Organizational Behavior Terminology

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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper MGT307 Phoenix In today’s business and organizational culture is the ways attitudes and expressions are described and used in the work place. This covers a wide range of topics, perceptions, beliefs and behaviors. These can also be used to teach about different levels of authority within the organization. By using these with training and follow-up a human resource department can define the organizations goals and personality. By building this culture and rapport with employees builds a support system and increases performance and productivity. This also creates a sense of loyalty from employees and allows change to come without a lot of fight from inside different departments. This allows the company to stay competitive and fresh based on the openness of the management with employees. Failure to share ideas and knowledge within the team will cause the company or organization to suffer because of lack of support within the working groups of the business. Communication is a key factor to the success of any organization as well as training to reinforce the coming change. This culture is not created over night and is not self creating. It takes time and follow-up and is formed over a period time where trust has been established and knowledge is shared. Teamwork is the key factor and allows the organization to become and remain successful. Demands for success and everyday bottle necks are easily overcome because the team is working together with a common goal and sense of urgency to do the right thing. As new employees are hired the same knowledge and trust must be built and followed up on routinely. In retail, this culture is built on customer expectations and many ideas created within the company. Each of these is connected to financial goals and performance. Employee happiness at

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