Military Knowledge Workers

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Federal Employees and Knowledge Work Mitchell A. Lee University of Phoenix The Military and Knowledge Work I have often wondered about the role of the knowledge worker in the U.S. military. The military is a very unique organization, one in which change is has come to be expected from the soldiers and civilians serving this country. I believe that this constant change causes problems for the knowledge workers within the organization. The purpose of this paper is to compare the views of multiple philosophers on knowledge work and relate their views to my personal concerns in my organization. Constant Change Civil service employees serve as the continuity within the organization. Because…show more content…
Both also buy into the idea that autonomy is what drives them. Like Drucker, Hammer (2004) stresses the importance of defining the task of the knowledge worker. Defining the task of the knowledge worker is important because it is necessary for expectations to be established (Drucker, 1999). And because the knowledge worker is not programmed by the defined task, the task can change. While Drucker (1999) attempts to establish a way to measure productivity, Hammer (2004) suggests that the productivity of the knowledge worker should not be measured, but rather measure the productivity of the organization. I agree with both Drucker and Hammer that it is necessary to eliminate the non-value-added work that gets in the way of completing…show more content…
How do we become knowledge workers within our own organizations? Hammer (2004) suggests that we are entering an age where we will all be knowledge workers. I find some truth in that because we are always learning from our peers, our employees, and our supervisors. But it is necessary for us to know where that newfound knowledge comes from by finding its source. I am the type of person who wants to know everything and be the best at every task I perform, and doing the necessary work to identify the appropriate source of information will make that task just a bit easier. Conclusion I believe that the role of the knowledge worker has changed, thanks mostly to technology. Most people have become so reliant on technology that they have become lazy. But the true knowledge workers do what is needed in search of more knowledge, and those are the real assets to the organization. It has been proven that knowledge workers cannot be effective if they are micromanaged or told how they need to complete their tasks (Hammer, 2004). The purpose of this paper was to compare the views of multiple philosophers on knowledge work and relate their views to my personal concerns in my

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