Mineral Report Lab

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MINERAL-LAB TONY VILLACORTA PARTNERS: LOUIS, STACIE MONDAY March 12, 2012 PURPOSE-MATIRIALS: The purpose of this lab was to identify certain characteristics in each mineral to figure out the hardness and possible rarity. How we did this was fairly simple. We used the Moh’s hardness scale to determine the hardness. We first used a finger nail and a mineral “rock”. We then scratched the mineral across the finger nail and if it worked, we moved on to the next item. The next item we used was the iron nail. After the iron nail was the streak plate and lastly the piece of glass. All this relates to our mineral unit because of the way we are classifying and looking for the correct way to correlate our findings in these mineral rocks. We are using data tables to help support and also organize our findings. This relates to real life because there are thousands and thousands of different colored and shaped rocks. And with that said there are countless possibilities where you might even wonder why and how did it look that way or got there. RESULTS The results we got for this report was purely phenomenal. I was surprised at how quickly we categorized the minerals in their proper place. Even though Stacie was ahead of Louis and I, we still came together in the end to turn in the lab and get it checked. Surprisingly we passed the check and moved on. SUMMARIZATION: For the data table we first categorized the number for each
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