Mistakes Are Inevitable Analysis

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Mistakes are inevitable. There’s no sugar-coating or sidestepping it; they’re inescapable. In life if there’s one thing that is certain, apart from death and taxes that is, it’s that no matter how hard you try or however noble your intentions may be, you’re going to make mistakes that will undoubtedly hurt others and yourself. It’s merely human to and isn’t that what we are? Failure, as we recognize it, is trying to achieve something and falling short of doing so; since when is this an indicator of a bad person? There’s a notable difference between doing a bad thing and being a bad person. Along with the hurt our mistakes cause others, comes a lot of guilt and shame. True this might be painful but the guilt we feel, it’s a good thing. We…show more content…
For all our justifications of making mistakes because we’re human, where we differ is with the choices we make after we falter. There’re some who feel so ashamed by the hurt they’ve caused others that they fall into the never-ending cycle of self-loathing and guilt that they’re doomed to repeat them. On the other hand there’re some of us who use the regret of hurting others as a catalyst and opportunity to grow and change into someone better and hopefully “make better mistakes…show more content…
Everything we experience can help determine which genes are active and which say silent. The old question of nature vs nurture … the perception that one of these aspects of the human story could completely determine a person’s choices. Because in the very interaction lies freedom and possibility.” After reading it a couple more times, I finally understood what he’s questioning. Reisel asks how neurogenesis may shape and rewire individual’s morality over the course of our lives. That brain growth might be able to make us better and more moral people. That biology and DNA and all the other science terms I have as much understanding as a sloth of… they don’t really decide how we end up after making inevitable mistakes, we do that
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