My Life Plan

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MY LIFE PLAN It has taken me several years to reach my present point of self-realization and determination. I have had to make choices between continuing my education and working to support myself and pay my bills. In addition, for the past two years, I have also had to divide my time between taking care of my family and studying, which further blurred my career goals. While I was studying, working, and taking care of my family, I decided to pursue my interest in social sciences wish was my dream. My long term goals are: To follow my dream, to own my own home and to meet a positive companion. These are goals I intend to achieve in the next couple of years. In order to succeed academically I have to stay focused at home and in school. By managing how much television I watch per day and limiting how often I hangout , it will give me more time to study and increase my chances of receiving all my credits and passing each semester. Completing my homework without procrastinating and using my resources such as my teachers when I need help are methods I use to accomplish this short term goal. I am eager to attain my Bachelor's Degree (hopefully by 2015) and am planning to continue here at pcc for my associate degree. One of the driving motivations of my education is my children. I want them to see that it is possible to go beyond what one has, to grasp what could be. I want to finish not only my Bachelor's, but my Masters degree for myself, for them, and for the people I hope to work with I have always tried to set clear targets and reach them whatever happens. At the moment, despite the fact that I am fully indulged in studying, I find time and strength to start up new activities and reach new goals. One of my short-term goals relates to one of my dreams is making a one year plan for this year and follow it. I create short term and long term goals for myself to

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