Future Health Practitioner Essay

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My role as a student in higher education and my role as a future healthcare practitioner. Modern day nursing centres on research-based practice and evidence-based health care. According to Naidoo and Wills (2005) the competence of health care personnel is based on their education and knowledge and skills it provides. Contemporary clinical guidelines and practices provide a significant change from the apprenticeship styled learning system of the Florence Nightingale 18th century era. Nursing education has been radically reformed; both in theory and practice to meet up-to-date demands which comprises of rapid technological advancement, cutting edge research and knowledgeable patients who according to Mark, W., and Stanton, M.A. (2002) are…show more content…
The methodology of lecturing in higher education was very different from what I knew; the lecturer delivers the key points and it is left to me to engage in detailed research to make sense of what has been taught in class. Independent study is now vital; I was expected to take reasonable responsibility for my learning. Autonomy was not only important in other to keep up with my studies but I also realised that as a future healthcare practitioner I had to be personally responsible and accountable for safe and compassionate evidence-based practice (NMC- Professional value). Time management was another major challenge, fitting university work around my everyday life and looking after my young family, but I quickly converted this challenges to a strength as I found out organisation was crucial to succeeding. Financially, things were also challenging living off bursary but I intend to work during the…show more content…
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