Nausea And Vomiting Case Study

5001 Words21 Pages
NURS 3519
Debbie Rautins-Professor
Worth 20% of your final mark
Please complete each section. Answer m/c questions on scantron.
Total mark
NAME___Rebecca Schneider #100391100


Reference- page 1062-1065
1. Read the referenced pages on nausea and vomiting. Answer the following questions:
a. Why is it important to determine the cause of vomiting prior to treatment? -3
It is important to determine the cause of vomiting prior to tx, because as the nurse it is your responsibility apply tx according to the problem. A thorough assessment should be completed prior to giving any medication.

b. Discuss the medications used in the
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Health teaching is extremely important with patients with GERD to prevent reflux and complications. Develop a health teaching plan for your patient with GERD. Please note that all of the health teaching would also be relevant to the acute care of the client in the hospital. Highlight on your plan what should be included on your worksheet in the hospital, e.g. explain side effects of meds.-5 * Health Teaching for a patient with GERD would include:
-Lifestyle modifications/Teaching the patient to avoid factors that aggravate symptoms. Cigarette smoking has been associated with decreased acid clearance from the lower esophagus. The client may be referred to other team members to assist in quitting.
-Diet should be modified/Teaching the patient about foods that may decrease LES pressure and the rate of gastric emptying and acid secretions. Teaching patients about certain foods to avoid, and the times of day to avoid eating them
-Teaching client to avoid eating food and activities that cause reflux (e.g., late night eating)
-In the acute hospital care setting, nursing staff should ensure that the head of the bed is elevated approximately 30 degrees and tat the client does not lie down during the first 2 to 3 hours after
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HDV requires the helper function of HBV to replicate, the importance of HDV relates to its clinical virulence. HDV can be inquired as a coinfection with Hep B, often resulting in a super infection. Coinfections are more sever then a HBV infection alone.
HDV is transmitted percutaneously, similarly to HBV. It is uncommon for HDV to be acquired through sexual transmission.
Hepatitis E: transmitted by the fecal oral route. The most common mode of transmission is drinking contaminated water. HEV is a non modifiable disease.
Hepatitis G: It is transmitted parentally and sexual

2. What is the role of the nurse in the prevention and management of hepatitis?-4

-Health teaching and information regarding prevention and immunizations
-Protection against sexually transmitted strains of hepatitis using condoms
-Obtaining a family history
-Obtaining a important health information
-History of travelling to an area where there is a high rate of hepatitis
-Any exposure to contaminated medical or dental equipment
-Drug use; use of needles, cocaine use


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