Nazi Germany And Anti-Semitisms

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Why was Nazi Germany anti-Semitic and what was the government’s “final solution”? Anti-Semitism is prejudice against, or hostility towards Jews. Holocaust refers to the complete burning of a substance by flame and describes the final solution reaching in Germany in 1942 to exterminate the Jewish race. So far as many Germans were concerned, Hitler had revived the economy, restored national pride and improved their lives. They believed they belonged to a Volksgenmeinschaft that proved for their needs and to which they owed their obedience. Such benefits were accompanied by a denial of human rights, and a haphazard system of government dependent upon the will of an all-powerful leader. Before the final solution was carried out, a number of acts occurred including sterilization which hardened the German people for the anti Semitic explosion of the holocaust. The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring was passed in July 1933. It stated that anyone with anyone of the following hereditary diseases could be sterilized: Schizophrenia, manic depression, hereditary deafness and so on. Chronic alcoholism was also classed as hereditary and such suffers were sterilized. In the next 12 years about 350,000 were sterilized, with about 100 people dying because of the “Hitler Cut”. This act was the first of a series, which geared up to the holocaust, each shielding the German people from the horrors of genocide and making them more anti-Semitic. By 1939, the policy of reducing the numbers of mentally ill by sterilization developed into one of murder called “mercy killing” or euthanasia. Hitler used the excuse of a father’s letter pleading for Hitler that his deformed son be “put to sleep”, to initiate the killing of the incurably ill. The Chancellery Secretary Phillip Bouhler seeing the potential of this proposal to increase his own power got the permission of

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