Next Year Research Paper

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Ms. Kelleher English 1, Per.1 24 May, 2010 Becoming more than a freshman Coming to a close from my ninth grade year I improved with coming a better student- athlete at the end of the year. This semester I learned to balance baseball and school, to keep up of a gpa of a 3.0 This semester has been much better than the last even though I’m still struggling with certain classes. I have made a big improvement by studying more and time managing my work . I plan on making honor roll the first semester of next year as a tenth grader. The classes I felt I best improved in were my A.V.I.D. 9, and my French 1 class. The evidence I used for A.V.I.D. 9 class was a tutorial which is a group work activity where we have questions from classes…show more content…
In the writing proficiency test we are tested on how well we can write about what is being asked of us to write about in French. For this particular test we had to write about what is going on in an airport in French. We had to describe what people are doing and name workers in the airport. The standard for the piece was to communicate effectively in a foreign language. The first step we took to learning this standard was my teacher had slides on the projector and went over the pronunciations of different words . The second step was we also took notes on what was happening in a airport and say it in French. Lastly I learned this standard by reading the chapter and doing the exercises in the lessons. I plan on improving this standard by going in for tutoring from the teacher. I can also go and ask questions on that I am having problems with so that I get them come test…show more content…
I was able to learn this standard because Ms. Kelleher gave us handouts about what we needed to know about imagery and symbolism. Also we had lectures about how authors use imagery and symbolism and what they are. Another way I learned some of the standard was by having to write rough drafts and essays using the strategies. I plan on improving on the standard by asking more questions about how to do things. Also I would read over handouts more effectively to study so that I have a better understanding. This semester has had its ups and downs mostly downs but I look forward to next year being much better. Next year I’m going to study more for French tests so that I do better and bring my grade up in the class. In A.V.I.D. I want to continue doing good and raise my grade to an A. For English I want to do the same and work harder to bring my grade to an A
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