Nick Carraway In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby A hero can be defined as a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. In the novel The Great Gatsby the hero Nick Carraway may not fit the definition of a hero as he does not save a life or show extreme bravery though he is a decent, honest and honorable man who most closely resembles an average human being out of all of the other characters in the novel. This therefore qualifies him as the hero in the novel he is also adversely affected or change by most of the events of the plot. Unlike Nick both the Buchanans and Gatsby are a faced with the fault of death and even that does not change them, they try to hide it or blame others to protect themselves. All of the characters in The Great Gatsby start out with there own dreams and goals, well Gatsby and the Buchanan’s let nothing stand in the way of their dreams and goals, Nick adapts his dreams and goals as the plot unfolds which ensures he is always happy with his choices. The Buchanans, Tom and Daisy, live a life of luxury and glamour and let nothing stand in the way of this lifestyle. Many feel they…show more content…
Nick does not allow his life to be overtaken by his dreams and goals like Gatsby and the Buchanan’s do, he is also able to determine when he has gone too far and learns from these mistakes and the mistakes of others which helps to become a better man. Both Gatsby and the Buchanan’s are to consumed in their own lives to be a hero to anyone, they do not care who they hurt in order get to the top and reach their goals. A true hero puts the well being of others in front of themselves and they will try to help a friend at almost any cost to themselves. Nick is not only the narrator of The Great Gatsby but he is also the

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