Nuclear Power vs Hydro Power

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Nuclear Power versus Hydro Power Shanon Joy Cooper Ashford University Sci207: Dependence of Man on the Environment Assignment Four Duyen Nguyen All energy sources have drawbacks. One controversial alternative to fossil fuels is nuclear power. It, just as any other, has advantages and disadvantages when compared to hydropower. One major advantage of using nuclear power is that it is easy to dispose of in secure facilities; therefore, nuclear waste has no negative effects on the ecosystem. It also does not produce gaseous emissions like greenhouse gases, and is usually small in quantity and can be easily confined so that it doesn’t affect those around it (Zehner, 2012). There is however several disadvantages of nuclear power that does include disposal issues, although not affecting the ecosystem. The fuel rods that are disposed of will stay radioactive for hundreds if not even thousands of years. In saying this, the fuel rods must be disposed of in a secure waste disposal facility. When people hear this, the first reaction is usually a horrific one. People began to automatically become terrified at the thought of there being a threat of radiation leakage, and usually, with protests and whole towns partitioning for them not to be built. “We don’t want these plants near our neighborhoods or homes.” This makes it a challenging effort to allow facilities of this nature to be erected. The question then becomes where do we place these radiation disposal plants? The use of clean hydropower has its advantages and disadvantages as well. One simple advantage of the use of clean hydropower is the clean and renewable energy. It doesn’t pollute the environment like many energy sources. In saying that the energy is clean, it doesn’t cause changes in the climate. Also, this form of energy is more sustainable than that of wind
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