Nursing Roles Essay

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Introduction In the last few decades, advance nursing has emerged as a healthcare system to provide better and expertise services in nursing fraternity. It has however, forced governments around the world to recognize nursing contributions to health care through expanding their role as an effective way to improve healthcare service delivery to patients in various health care facilities (Schober and Affara, 2006). However, advanced practice nursing (APN) is design to provide a complex and a dynamic health care system needs and demands in a flexible manner to a community. Moreover, the role of advanced nursing practices have revolutionized from the traditional scope of nursing, where only the use of nursing knowledge was involved to a more dynamic and comprehensive use of other skills and experiences are involve in service delivery(Bailey, P., L. Jones and D. Way, 2006). Therefore, these skills and experiences are employed to meet the demand of more professionalism in nursing. In addition, in enhancing nursing practices, institutes of higher learning have created a broader curriculum at master level of studies to prepare nurses to wider challenges. For example nurses being trained as a researcher, a collaborator, a clinician, a consumer advocate, a manager of systems, a consultant and an agent of change. These skills and experiences also provide knowledge on string critical thinking and decision making skills. The ability to critically and accurately asses, plan, intervene and evaluate the health illness which the client experiences (Marie-Laure Delamaire, Gaetan Lafortune, 2010). Besides, advance nursing role represent innovation and continuously challenge the boundaries of nursing practice and existing modes of health care delivery to a community. More importantly advance practice nurses (APN) as innovator in the field help in shaping the quality and safety

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