Nutritian, Health & Wellness

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Bud Chrum DeVry University Nutritian, Health & Wellness Professor: Debbie Poliski Assignment WK 6 06/12/14 BMI is a measurement that became known in the early 19th century, it was the means to focus and categorize the world’s weight issues. (BMI) body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. BMI is a measurement that will allow medical personal to list and measure people’s weight and classify them according to the readings. It will allow to see if you are overweight, underweight, normal, and obese. The way they do this is a measurement using the metric system they will take your weight and then divide the weight in kilograms as well as the person height in squared meters. Then the units call for the physicians to multiply ones weight in pounds by 703 and will then divide the number that was gotten by ones height in inches squared. The body mass index will indicate if one is underweight, normal, overweight, and or obese categories. Normal BMI is from 18.5 to 22.9. Normal is from 18.5 to 25. From 10 to 18.5 is underweight and below 16 is severely underweight. On the opposite end, overweight is 25-30 lbs., obesity is from 30-40 and morbidly obese is above 40. BMI = mass (kg) /height (m^2) = 96 kg / (1.6 m) ^2 = 96 kg / 2.56 m^2 = 37.5 kg/m^2 This BMI would be characterized as obese. For a person to maintain healthy intake should consume around 1800 calories per day. As to my wife BMR (basal metabolic rate) is about 1300 calories, however she needs 700 more calories in order for it to account for the amount of energy she will be burning in her daily activities. Food choices would be adequate amounts of carbs, proteins, and fats. To start of the day a small bowl of oats with ½ cup whole milk topped with tablespoon of ground flaxseed and

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