Nvq 3 Health and Social Care

1467 Words6 Pages
Induction Day. Health and safety. Key legislations relating to health and safety in a social care setting. * Health and safety at work act 1974 * Management of health and safety at work regulation 1999 * Health and safety (first aid) regulation 1981 including the amendments on 2009 * Manual handling operations regulations 1992 * The electricity at work regulation 1992 * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrence regulation 1995(RIDDOR) * Communicable diseases and infection control * Care standard act 2000 * The medicines act 1968 * Working time regulations 1998 * Food safety act 1990 and food hygiene regulations 2005 * Control of exposure to hazardous to health 1999 * Environmental protection act 1990 How do key legislations protect people who live here ? All of the above mentioned legislations are crucial part of health and safety. Every piece of legislation describes not only clear guidance of responsibilities but also how should we maintain health and safety to eliminate risks for the people using social care settings. Let alone, Food hygiene regulation 2005, which explains the responsibilities, involves handling food safely in order to avoid contamination and food poisoning. Environmental protection act 1990 which describes the responsibilities involves handling clinical wastes in order to prevent harm to the environment. Control of exposure to hazardous to health act 1999 explains the responsibilities involve handling hazardous substances such as reduce using hazardous substances or using less hazardous substances and reducing exposure level as much as possible. So, it is very important for us to follow health and safety policies and procedures to eradicate risks from workplace and maintain safe working environment. how health and safety policies and procedures protect people who work in social care ?
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