Nvq 5 Essay

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Unit 5 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social care. 1. How to recognise signs of abuse: Definition of types of abuse and yours respective signs: 1.1.1 Physical Abuse: According with NCPEA (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) Physical Abuse is a physical force or violence that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. It is a non-accident use of physical force resulting in body harm. Eg. Pushing, force feeding, burning, scalding, etc. 1.1.2 Signs that a Physical abuse has happened: * Injuries or bruises; * Scratches marks or cuts; * Bite marks; * Cigarette marks; * Behaviour indicators; * Sprains, fractures, broken bones; * Deterioration of health without an obvious cause; * Rough handling or physical coercion. Also Physical abuse can include: * Force residents to stay in bed or chair; * Using or misusing physical restraints. (Like seat belt). * Lying in wet or soiled bedding. 1.1.3 Factor that can contribute for Physical abuse happen: * Be old * Physical disability 1.1.1 Sexual Abuse: According with the Older Protective Services Acts Sexual Abuse is an intentionally causing or attempting to cause rape, involuntary sexual intercourse, sexual assault. Also sexual harassment whereupon the individual is forced, tricked, coerced or manipulated into any unwanted sexual contact. 1.1.2 The Physical and Emotional signs for Sexual Abuse is: * Bruises on inner tights or around the breasts; * Genital or anal bleeding; * Difficulty in walk or standing; * Pain or itchy in genital areas; * Infections of genital or anal areas; * Unexplained abdominal pain; * Scared or timid behaviour; * Any sudden change in the individual personality; * Suicidal thoughts and/or attempts; *
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