Nvq Level 2 Social Care Cu1515

574 Words3 Pages
Identify different reasons why people communicate. • To express our emotions like courage or fear, joy or sorrow, satisfaction or disappointment and pain with appropriate gestures and words. • To seek information from one another • To persuade someone to do something. • To seek information • To maintain relationships • Conduct business • Help and support each other • Learn/ educate • For pleasure such as music, art, film and storytelling 1. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work. Effective communication affects my role as a care assistant as I must be able to communicate effectively with other staff, seniors and managers in order to maintain a smooth running of the care home. I also must be able to communicate with residents in order to understand them and there families to ensure their needs are being met. Factors that contribute to a effective working relationship are information sharing and confidentiality, agreeing objectives, cooperation, honesty, respect, clear communication, mutual support, sharing, reliability, shared goals and trust. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. It is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them asyou can learn a great deal from studying someone's reactions while you are talking to them. Their facial expressions and body language may tell you whether they agree or disagree with what you are saying, and whether they are fascinated or bored by the conversation. You can then use this information to inform how you proceed with the conversation. Also people with learning difficulties can sometimes only communicate using their bodies so being able to read their reactions is important. 2.3 Show how and when to seek advice about communication. It
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