Occupy Movement

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Occupy Movement In this essay about the occupy movement I will be addressing my opinion about why protestors are making such a big deal about corporations receiving multi millionaire bonuses and if I think what they are doing is right or wrong. The protestors started off as just a handful of people in New York city. It wasn't long before it became more than a handful of people because it isn't just a few people that are being affected by unemployment, it is thousands of people. The unemployment rate right now is at its highest level since the Great Depression. The great depression was a brutal worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The people that are part of that 99 percent of unemployment are showing the world…show more content…
Everybody knows you're punished for doing something wrong or making a mistake. We're not talking spilled milk here, were talking about people's lives and millions of dollars that is being wasted. Many people and families lost their life savings, millions lost their jobs, and the whole economy crashed because of the actions of these narrow minded people, yet they have not been served justice and still have the large sums of money they got during the economic crash. It's not fair to these people because it's not 100% their faults that they lost their homes. The government tried to bail out the banks, after the bank made a lot of bad loans. The banks shouldn't have made those loans in the first place. If they hadn't, this wouldn't be happening and people wouldn't have to complain about getting through the protestors on the…show more content…
Corporate profits as a percent of the economy are at an all time high. The profits are higher than they ever have been since the 1950's. So while people can't afford health care and to take of their families these people are making more than enough money to help out. CEO pay as increased 300% since 1990, and Corporate profits have doubled. It seems that these two sides have an inverse relationship with each other when it should be a direct relationship. It should be fair, and it isn't at all. Life is probably great if you're the 1% of American wage earners. You're bringing in a bigger percentage of the country's total pre tax income than you ever have. You would think these people would have a little bit of remorse for the people who are jobless. But i suppose that's what the world is, isn't it? being selfish, cruel, self centered and unfair. Yes, that pretty much sums it
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