Occupy Wall Street Movement

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| Occupy Wall Street Movement | | | | | Discuss the moral and economic implications involved in the movement. The Occupy Wall Street’s movement stands in the moral grounds of: “It’s wrong to wreck the world. It’s wrong to wreck the health and hopes of others. An economic system that forces most of the people to bear the impacts of the recklessness of a few powerful profiteers, to assume the burdens of others’ privilege, and to pay the real costs of destructive industries in the currency of their health and the hopes of their children. They believe that the system disrupts a great planetary cycle that support lives on earth,” (Moore, 2011). On the economic grounds, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) believes that everyone and everything in this world depends on each other one way or another. They see that a few (the 1%) have control of everything (economy, justice, environment, etc.), and have politicians in their pockets. OWS believes that the rich and powerful have the power to resolve many issues that are concerning right now like environmental and economic emergencies but instead of doing so, they satisfy their greed with a short-term gain (Moore, 2011). The OWS primary goal is to make the economic structure and power relations in society fairer. The majority view of the protestors and moral implications is to fight for more government involvement and concern for the 99 percent that are not rich. The goal of the OWS movement is to restore democracy by getting money out of politics so that the people can take measures that will save the world from catastrophe and their principles are (Moore, 2011): 1. Engaging in direct and transparent participatory democracy. 2. Exercising personal and collective responsibility. 3. Recognizing individuals’ inherent privilege and the influence it has on all interactions. 4. Empowering one another
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