Of Mice And Men Chapter 7 Analysis

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Of Mice and Men Chapter 7 George awoke sulkily when a cold breeze rose about the bunk house. The morning sun just began to peek over the horizon and light the fields. The ranch was still. You could hear the soft breathing of the men around him sleeping. George sat up in his burlap bunk, anguished, and with a slight glance to his side the silence was broken. George busted into tears the second he noticed the empty bunk where Lennie once laid and the empty shelves that once held Lennie’s things. The rest of the bunk house woke to the sound of George’s humongous cries. Curley came in dejectedly, “What’s all the screaming and yellin ‘bout? You’re gonna wake up the entire ranch.” He was furious. “George is going nuts again.” Slim shot back tiredly. “Well, by god, get him in that barn. We can’t make him work when his acting like this, he’ll just distract everybody else. Know what, I’ll just take him…show more content…
Crooks was there fixin a broken hoof. "I thought I told you not ta go around tryin to convince the fellas it was me? I told you they wouldn't believe ya, but some of 'em are startin to get curious. I'm not gonna let you get away with it." "Come on Curley." Crooks began reluctantly, but was interrupted by a punch to the face. Crooks fell to the ground and hit his head on a stool near the horse. The horse began to get scared and took a step back stepping on Crook's head and chest, he was knocked out cold. Curley took a closer look, felt Crooks chest and backed away in awe. Crooks was dead. Curley, like he has done before, just ran. Not soon after, Carlson went to the barn, and by his surprise found Crooks lying there on the floor dead. He ran back to the game of horseshoes out in front of the bunk house. "Fella's come quick. crooks is dead." He yelled. They all ran to the barn in what seemed to be a sprint. "By good, looks like he was trampled by that horse there." Slim stated, plaintively. “We better go tell the

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