Oh Mom Oh Honey By Deborah Tannen Analysis

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Herberth 1 Wendy Herberth Mr. Smith ENG1101 E-Learning November 18, 2012 "Mommy dearest" "Mirror mirror on the wall", I am really like my mother after all. Daughter and mother relationships are something so valuable and should be treasured in my opinion. Many young girls admire their mothers, as they are their very first friend. They are each other's confidantes and pals. A mothers duty is to protect their young, and giving birth to a baby girl is a miracle, but then raising a daughter is a whole different miracle. As a mother and a daughter myself, I have gained some knowledge over this relationship myself over my lifetime. Being a daughter, feeling singled out and ridiculed was my mother's way of showing compassion. Sounds backwards? Well I guess it is all a part of the psychology of…show more content…
My mother would tell me things in a blunt manor, instead of me appreciating the truth I insisted on over analyzing it creating a problem into something that wasn't. Realizing later on that was her way of showing me to understand constructive criticism and face the world. Deborah Tannen's "Oh, Mom Oh Honey", she analyzes different personal relationships between mothers and daughters. No two are alike, each paired duo study had a different portrayal of how things where and how they should be. "I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You!" discusses the social, emotional, cultural, and psychological issues that can lead to mother- daughter conflicts. Both books share the similarity of the how deep the struggle can be. Herberth
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