One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest And Rsquo Analysis

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Throughout my study of the individual, I have come to realise that the establishment’s desire for control, discourages individuality and has serious consequences for society. This is portrayed in Jonathan Demme’s film ‘Manchurian Candidate’ (2004) and Ken Kesey’s ‘One flew over the cuckoos nest” (1969). Both texts indicate that from any context it is hard to be an individual, because of the power, control and deception of the establishment, and the consequences of personal expression. An individual is anyone who defies against the rules and regulations of the establishment, being the media, governments and organisations. In both Manchurian and Cuckoo’s the individual is immersed in a dominating…show more content…
This setting acts as a microcosm of the conservative dominant culture of 1950’and 60’s America. Her sinister nature succeeds in undermining the patient’s confidence. She controls the men through the pills she feeds them. Along with Bromden’s delusions of a surreal ‘fog’ this symbolizes the opiate nature of 1950’s ‘beat’ generation and ‘counter-culture’, where people experimented with drugs to escape the hegemonic control. Nurse Ratched also uses fear to manipulate the patients through the media cuttings about the danger of fishing she places on the walls in part 2 and likewise, at the group meeting in Part 1 where Nurse Ratched encourages the patients to humiliate Harding about his wife. McMurphy describes the other patients like “a bunch of chicken’s at a peckin’ party”, attacking each other in fear to prevent them being…show more content…
These establishments supposably offer freedom and democracy, where individuality is valued and encouraged. However, it is all an illusion as Raymond Shaw says “Democracy is not negotiable”. This is hypocritical, paradoxical and ironic as the meaning of democracy is what the establishment wants it to mean. Hence, this creates ambiguity and a misleading concoction that individuality is supported, when really this is just a cover for the totalitarianism within society. For example in Manchurian Candidate Marco says “Manchurian Global is…put(ting) a sleeper in the White House” which emphasises the manipulation of Manchurian global aiming to establish Raymond Shaw as a puppet-president. In turn, highlighting the corruption within the so-called democratic society, and further symbolises this concealing hegemonic society. This correlates with the post September 11 social context, when people developed conspiracy theories, as people were sceptic of the ‘truth’. Likewise in Cuckoo’s Nest Nurse Ratched theoretically claims that the mental hospital is a “democratic ward”. However, practically when McMurphy obtains a majority of votes to watch World Series baseball on TV, Ratched disregards
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