Oppression Essay

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Marvi Shaikh Ms. Devitt ENG3UI Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 Poet’s View On “Oppression” Oppression means prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control over someone or something. It’s also known as persecution, abuse, mental pressure or distress (www.dictionary.refrence.com). Oppression is a common topic for authors and poets to write about. The poet Jimmy Santiago Baca also used Oppression as his topic in his poem called “Oppression”. The poem talks about equality and justice from Baca’s point of view. In the first Stanza the poet writes: Is a question of strength, of unshed tears, of being trampled under, and always, always, remembering you are human (“Oppression” 1). He wrote that the people who are oppressed get stronger because of its pain. Also, the poet stresses on that everyone should remember that people being oppressed are human beings and should be treated with respect. The second stanza talks about people keeping hopes and being strong. for example the line: Look deep to find the grains of hope and strength, and sing, my brothers and sisters, and sing ( “Oppression” 2 ), in this line the poet is asking all his brothers and sisters which means everyone to have strength and not to lose hope. The third stanza focuses on revolt and the poet wanting people to express and not be afraid of getting arrested. He says that sacrificing lives is not terrible in fact it’s a heroic act which should be taken for justice. For example in the line: The sun will share your birthdays with you behind bars, the new spring grass like fiery spears will count your years, as you start into the next year, endure my brothers, endure my sisters (“Oppression’’ 3), the poet is encouraging people to endure and suffer and not be afraid to go behind the bars since the sun will share their birthdays and new springs with them. In Conclusion, Oppression is another name for

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