Outline - Layers of Hell

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Michelle Nguyen Outline (Layers of Hell) 9/16/13 I. Dante’s Journey Through Hell A. (Hook) B. The Inferno by Dante talks about the beginning of his journey through the gates of hell, including the upper levels of hell, the City of Dis and he lower layers of hell II. Dante enters the Gates of Hell (Canto I) A. Description is through images; like a dream. III. Upper levels of hell C. First circle (IV) – Limbo. This place is for souls who were good when they were alive but didn’t know about Christ. (Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan) [ancient poets] D. Second circle (V) – Lustful. 1) Minos is the guardian of the circle. 2) *Theme* “Courtly Love” E. Third Circle (VI) – Gluttons. Never ending: weakened souls (didn’t have strength to get up again) [obsession]. 1) Cerberus is the guardian of the circle. 2) Heavy rain, hail and snow. F. Fourth and Fifth (VII) – Avaricious and Prodigals; Wrathful and Sullen. Wrathful push rocks in the opposite direction and the sullen is in water. 1) Plutus is the guardian of this circle. G. Fifth circle (VIII) – Two parts: Wrathful and Sullen; City of Dis. (Medieval) City had gates that let people in and out. IV. Lower levels of hell A. (IX) – City of Dis: Entrance into the lower level. 1) Dante couldn’t get in so a messenger from heaven comes and tells (orders) them (devils) to open the gates. Dante goes through and sees a giant cemetery (sixth circle) B. Sixth circle (X): The Heretics. Are placed into opened tombs. 1) The Structure of hell (still in the sixth circle) is the physical and moral division of hell. Three categories: Incontinence, violence, fraud. C. Seventh circle (XII) – (first ring) Violent against others. Minotaur (half-human, half-beast) is the mythical monster that guards the circle and symbolizes the entire lower

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