Outline Of The Novel 'Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death !'

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OUTLINE I. Introduction Paragraph A. “Give me liberty or give me death!” Patrick Henry’s famous line during the Virginia Convention in 1775 illustrates all men’s desire for freedom and the sacrifices willing to be made to achieve it. quote something about a quote and so on… and so on. (More stuff here) Modern monster, Blah, Blah, Blah… You get it. B. Various Web Sources -- Grendel, John Gardner --The long Walk, Slavomir Rawicz C. (My Thesis here, it’s good, trust me.) II. Body Paragraph 1 Topic – The ways that freedom can be taken away are endless and can also be quite monstrous. A. Freedom can be taken either mentally or physically 1. In The Long Walk, by Slavomir Rawicz, his recounting of his false imprisonment in Russia is a…show more content…
Body Paragraph 2 Topic – Throughout the novel, Grendel, John Gardner retells the classic tale of Beowulf through the antagonist’s eyes. A. Much like in Rawicz’s story, Grendel finds himself trapped in a tree 1. Grendel wants to be freed from the tree to which he is captive, the oppression of an angry bull, and the deep inner feeling of loneliness experience prior to being trapped. 2. Grendel is stuck in a tree and longing to be free and back on the ground. He recalls, “Poor Grendel will hang here and starve to death," I told myself, "and no one will ever even miss him!" The thought enraged me” (Garner 18). B. The idea of freedom is the monster that provokes dangerous and unhealthy actions in order to escape detainment from either yourself or a captor. 1. Escaping to freedom is never an easy task, weather you’re trying to get out of your own mind or from some other entity. 2. In his loneliness, Grendel describes the will that it takes to persevere through severe depression, and the strength it takes to free yourself from malicious thoughts. Grendel knows it’s easier to give up, but tells himself that he can’t (Gardner 137). C. Grendel is fighting multiple monsters that are keeping him from

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