Outline On Frankenstein

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Frankenstein Essay Kristian Villagomeza HUMN 401 Mr. Mark Wallace Outline I. Introduction – The monster a. Comparison i. How the monster was created 1. Raw materials ii. How the monster was feared 2. All adults feared him by physical appearance a. Even the creator feared b. Contrast iii. Idea of the monster – Real vs. Ideal 3. Frankenstein’s intention b. Intended to create life, or put life into inanimate beings 4. Society c. Viewed the monster as grotesque i. Rendered the monster to do evil things c. Key element – Secrecy iv. Good 5. Kept…show more content…
A part where the movie and book differs is the types of body parts Victor Frankenstein comprises the monsters body with. In the book, Frankenstein believed he put together a beautiful body by providing yellow skin which would cover the workings of the muscles and arteries, long flowing black lustrous hair, and pearly white teeth. What Victor Frankenstein visualized as a beautiful creation turned out to be the complete opposite mental image of his creation. In today’s society, plastic surgery plays in a similar role in what Victor Frankenstein did in his goal of creating life. Some people have gone the lengths for physical alteration or to achieve the perfect body image via plastic surgery. Their guideline to having that perfect body would be to take a mixture of celebrity figures and put it into one. For example, taking Jennifer Lopez’s butt, Angelina Jolie’s lips, and Mick Jagger’s cheekbones, and slapping all those together to get that flawless…show more content…
Secrecy plays a major role in the story of Frankenstein. Without secrecy, the monster would have never learned how to speak, read, or conjure up feelings. The monster learns of how to read by skimming through the Frankenstein’s journal he had secretly taken while finding clothes to use to conceal his identity when he ran away from the laboratory, as well as learning how to speak and read by observing the De Lacey family, hidden inside the family’s property. He also learns how to love by watching the De Lacey family, while hidden, which allows the story to continue on how and why the monster desired to come out of secrecy to persuade his creator to make him a partner for his own. Physically speaking, the monster’s character is built by combining raw materials from dead and useless body parts; although, secrecy is how the monster’s mental character is built in both the film and book. It made him as a good-hearted fellow, which eventually was turned to a darker side due to the treatment he received from every person who laid eyes upon him. Society rendered his presence nothing but a relentless creature; even his own creator could not tolerate the look of the
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