P1: Types Of Communication And Interpersonal Relationships

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P1 Types of communication and interpersonal interactions There are different types of communication such as: 1. One to one communication This type of communication needs to be started with emotions such as ‘Hello, how are you’ or ‘Good Morning’ to create the atmosphere needed. In the same way it should be ended with emotions such as ‘we will speak soon’ or ‘see you later’. This communication is the interaction between two people. It ensures that each person communicate has one another’s attention. Other types of this communication can be through message and email. An example of this can be when a Doctor is talking to his client on how to deal their illness and ways to prevent it. 2. Formal communication This communication…show more content…
Most of the time it’s the person’s first language and its most preferred for communication. This language helps the individual to communicate better and understand well. For example in the youth centre, there is a little girl who finds speaking English very hard as it’s her second language. However her first language is Somali and therefore when communicating another member of staff and I normally help her by translating it to her. The use of signs and symbols Signs and symbols are also another part of communication. For example non smoking and waiting area signs to tell people about the rules and places they need to know about. In my work placement when it is raining the ‘wet surface’ symbol is normally placed at the front near the entrance and the ‘first aid kit’ symbol is also placed in the changing and other rooms. Communication passports This passports contain information about how an individual’s information and their style of communication. This contains information about what they like/hate, a photo of the individual, etc. This will help care worker’s meet the individual’s needs by being able to understand them better. For example when new people start the youth centre, the communication passport is always given to them. This helps the care worker to know about the new person without asking the individual and therefore makes communication much…show more content…
From this we provide her with an interpreter to make her able to communicate effectively. I sometimes help translate English to Somali and I believe she finds it very helpful. Staff at the youth centre also uses signs and symbols to create a good understanding. A speech therapy is also used on other children who find communicating difficult. We also provide Makaton to children with learning difficulties and provide with communication passports as this helps as learn more and understand better on each child. While working in the youth centre I also came across dealing with young teenagers who are addicted to drugs. To make sure that these young teenagers are helped, we provide with physiological support. Giving up drugs doesn’t have much physical effects but may have physiological effects. Some may have a low mood and physiological support will help with this. Treatments will be provided and advice. The support will be given by looking at their emotions, pressure and situations. From this a support can be given in ways to cope without drugs. The youth centre has children from different backgrounds so we work to identify risks of assumptions and
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