Explain The Four Factors That Lead To Abusive Abuse

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In this essay i will explain the four factors which may lead to abusive. The four factors are adults most at risk, environment, context and people who abuse. I will give for examples and explain them in detail and how they may lead to an abusive situation. The first factor I will look at is adults most at risk this may be a person with a physical or learning disabilities and or mental health problems. Older people and individuals that are suffering from dementia. Individuals in these groups tend to be over compliant and accepting to whatever happens to them. This may be due to medication, having low self-expectations and low self esteem. Their illness, condition or age tends to make them isolated. As a result they become dependent on the abuser…show more content…
Sometimes people in these groups tend to be isolated with limited social networks and low self esteem. As a result, they may become dependent on their abusers, or potential abusers for help and services. People being abused often see it as their fault and that there’s nothing that they can do about it so they keep quiet and just put up with it. For example, Mary is 35 years old and has mild learning difficulties, she lives alone but she has a carer that comes to visit her 3 times a day. Her carer often comes round and is nasty to her, pushes her and calls her names. Mary hasn’t told anyone because she thinks it is her fault, she is being annoying and this is why her carer is horrible to her. Also people who are dependent on others for personal care. Sometimes people living alone and depending on a carer can make a person very isolated and they may find that their main contact with the outside world is through their carer. Their carer may be the person they see the most in the day. This extreme isolation and dependency can increase the vulnerability of an individual who is confused or frail. Living alone could increase the likelihood of a person being subject to financial abuse, for example their mail being opened by their carer and their benefits being taken from them. An elderly…show more content…
The perpetrator may have been abused as a child; violence may have become a means of resolving disputes in the family/social network. Family history of violence. The stress of caring for a physically and/or mentally frail adult without adequate support can lead to abusive behavior towards the adult. Other events may have occurred to exacerbate the situation, such as a job loss, moving house, the death of a significant other, or financial problems. Dependency on the vulnerable person for money, shelter or emotional support can arouse resentment, sometimes abuse. Caring for a vulnerable adult can be trying and frustrating. The carer may feel disempowered and trapped. It is important to consider the strength and stability of a relationship prior to the abused requiring care. A relationship which has been strained for a number of years may deteriorate when there is a need and expectation for the carer to be providing
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