PSY 490: Diverse Nature Of Psychology

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Diverse Nature of Psychology Lawanda Jennings PSY/490 April 2, 2012 Susan Ellis Introduction As a soon to be graduate student of marriage and family therapy, I eek to research and practice with the diversity of my professional in mind. In work, education, health and leisure arenas. It is important to understand diversity in perspectives and how this can applied to various clients. Diversity in psychology has led to applications in various field from medicine to education. The empirical nature of psychology affords psychology the privilege of scientifically explain behavior and establishing a treatment plan to solve or adjust behavior in many settings. CEOs to Doctors in various specialities seek to understand behavior…show more content…
Skinner. Out of behaviorism, he developed systematic desensitization and aversive conditioning (Answers. n.d.) According to Skinner, systematic desensitization or gradual exposure therapy is either used to overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders. This method is often applied in therapy sessions. Very detailed as the clients walks though different levels of feelings that start at the most intense feeling about a phobia or disorder and once a specific belief is resolved, beleifs are resolved until the phobia or the anxiety disorder is resolved. The goal of systematic desensitization is to expose gradually clients to phobias until it is relieved. This process cannot be applied to all phobias as some phobias may have deep psychological attachment that may require another form of therapy. Aversive conditioning or avoidance avoid objects or situations that's not favorable. With conditioning an individual learn to respond based on a negative or positive response from a stimuli. If it is positive for he or she it reinforces the behavior but if the stimuli bring negative consequences, and if it is not beneficial we may avoid it. This method is used under behaviori but to avoid it if it causes negative…show more content…
Human development is applied academically to children to perhaps trace the origins of learning strengths are weaknesses. Fairly recent field that rest of naturalist principles that is applied to 'psychological phenomena' (Kerry,
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