Parents Involvement In Childcare

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It is important to have a meaningful plan for parents to have full involvement in their child’s progress, development, interests and most important of all happiness. It is paramount to raise parent’s self-esteem and show them how they can promote their child’s overall development. In order to improve involvement between a childcare setting and parents/guardians the following plan is what I would use and hope to be efficient in assisting parents in becoming involved in their child’s preschool life: - Food pyramid In their statement Achtenberg and Satter states” Traditionally, children were primarily influenced e pyramid is by their families. However, todays parents tend to be less reliable food providers than in the past”. (Achtenberg, 1988;Satter, 1987). I would make available to parents a copy of the food pyramid, showing them how to use it in their home. It will give them an idea of how much from each self of the food pyramid is needed, and ideas of what kinds of food and recipes’ can collaborate with this. I would put up on the parents notice board a picture of the pyramid along with useful websites such as, .This would be shown to the parents along with the weekly menu to show parents how we implement this into our weekly menu. The nutritional content of the food will be stated, and parents can come for a taste test any day. - Weekly themes/lesson plans: This would give parents information on how the school day goes, with copies for each parent to take home, and words of songs/poems that are taught. This would give all parents, but especially parents of varying cultural backgrounds an understanding of how we work. - Childcare committee’s/ Sligo family resource centre I would verbally make parents aware of places of interest that may further their parenting skills, and help them understand child development.

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