Pathophysiology Quiz Paper

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Where we left off: Chemoreceptors: -A receptor that responds to the chemical composition and the fluid around it (PaCO2 & pH) -Located in the medulla/respond to changes in H+ *Increase in H+=ACIDOSIS -Increase in the resp rate/tidal volume *Decrease in H+=ALKALOSIS -Decrease in resp rate/tidal volume Mechanical Receptors: -Located in lungs, upper airways, chest wall & diaphragm *Stimulated by physiological factors -Irritants, muscle stretching & alveolar wall distortion **Hering-Bruer Reflex -Prevents the overdestension of lungs CHAPTER 27 Problems w/nose & sinuses: 1. Deviated Septum -Severely shifted septum -Caused by trauma, present at birth -Interferes with airflow & sinus drainage…show more content…
A, 5. C, 6.A,B,C,E 7. D, 8. B Chapter 28 Lower Resp Tract Infections: (3Rd leading cause of death) -Acute Bronchitis: *Inflammation of the bronchi in LRT *Most are viral *Cough is the common symptom and lasts for up to 3 wks *Assoc symptoms incl. headache, fever, malaise, hoarseness, dyspnea and chest pain *Assessment incl. normal breath sounds, rhonchi crackles or wheezes upon exertion *Tx incl. cough suppressants, bronchodilator inhalers and high dose inhaled corticosteroids -Pertussis: (Bordetella pertussis or whooping cough) *Highly contagious infection caused by gram neg. bacillus *Symptoms incl. uncontrollable, violent coughing which may last 6-10 wks *Clinical Manifestations: -1st Stage: mild URI, no-low grade fever, runny nose, water eyes and mild productive cough -2nd Stage: Cough changes, inspiration after each cough produces the typical whooping sound as pt tries to breath against an obstructed glottis. Vomiting may also occur w/coughing *Tx is abx to minimize symptoms and prevent spread of disease. Cough suppressants & antihistamines should not be used since they are ineffective & may induce coughing episodes. Check what ya know: (Answers at…show more content…
B -Environmental Lung Diseases: *Result from inhaled dust or chemicals *Pneumoconiosis is a general term used for a group of lung diseases caused by inhalation and retention of mineral, metal or dust particles *Repeated exposure to the irritant can cause pul. Fibrosis -Chemical pneumonitis *Results from exposure to toxic chemicals *Clinically pt has pul edema -Hypersensitivity pneumonitis *An individual inhales irritants to which they are allergic too *Clinical manifestations occur w/in 4-6 hrs of exposure and incl. fever, chills, cough, SOB and malaise Clinical Manifestations: -Typically do not appear for 10-15 yrs after exposure but incl. dyspnea, coughing, wheezing and weight loss -Cor pulmonale is a late manifestation. *Cor pulmonale is an enlargement of the right ventricle Check what ya know (Answers at end) 6.) ER nurse is caring for pts exposed to a chlorine leak. The nurse would closely monitor these pts for A.) Pul edema B.) Anaphylactic Shock C.) Resp Alkalosis D.) Acute tubular necrosis Answer: 6. A LUNG CANCER: (Aggressive & considered

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