Pearl In Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'

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Bill gates Lit Logs 4/29/13 Chapter 6 1. This chapter is called pearl. It is called pearl because it talks about pearl up to age 3. It gives details of her. 2. In this chapter it talks about Pearl. Pearl is a bad child. She isn’t normal compared to the other children. Reason being is probably because she is isolated with her mother. It seems as though pearl is evil. Hester isn’t able to do much of anything. When they walk, she scares children off. She has games of make believe in which she creates enemies. Hester believes this is because she was conceived in sin. 3. In chapter it goes more into depth about Pearl and her mother Hester. 4. About how old is Hester at this time? What’s happening with pearl? Why do you think this is happening? Do you think Hester and her baby will remain close? Why does Hester think this is happening to her? 5. Imbibing; Phantasmorgic; inauspicious Chapter 7 1. This chapter is called Governors hall. It’s called that because Hester goes there to see the governor about her baby. 2. In this chapter, Hester is alarmed that rumor is, they are trying to talk Pearl away from her. So, she goes to the governor to give his gloves and talk to him about it. As they go, they are approached by children, as usual, and pearl frightens them away. As they get there. They notice…show more content…
In this chapter, it talks about the meeting of Dimmesdal, Bellingham, Wilson, Chillingworth and Hester. Chillingworth stand as the towns physician. They meet and are weary to if Hester is teaching her daughter Christian way or not. They ask Pearl who created her. She says, the bush, near the prison. As they threaten to take Pearl she begins to plead and tell them Pearl is her all; her jot and her punishment. They take it all into consideration and finally let her stay. After that Hester is approached by Mistress Hibbins. Hester asks if she wants to sign with the devil at midnight. She declines and says she would have, if she lost

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